Ikigai - Life longevity
Did you know that Japan has the most Centenarians in the world? It is believed that the Japanese find their Ikigai and live by it. The Ikigai book does a great job of explaining the reasons in detail. In a nutshell; the Japanese know their Ikigai. What is Ikigai? It is the reason we get up in the morning, our reason for being. When viewing the word written in Japanese, the characters combine “life” and “to be worth while”. The book explains that the Japanese eat a healthy diet, have a simple life in the outdoors, and remain active. The activity doesn’t necessarily mean vigorous exercise. It means they walk everywhere, they continue to move all day and they remain active even after retiring. Besides continuing to physically move, they keep their minds busy with work in the community, health and laughter. Enjoy the book and the cookbook has some amazing healthy Japanese recipes.